Catherine Montgomery
Historical Preservationist
Distinguished Service Award
Catherine Montgomery worked as an architect in Maryland and Washington D.C. and held several positions over 13 years at the University of Maryland, College Park. In 1999, Catherine moved to Oklahoma and became a preservation architect with the State Historic Preservation Office. She would later become the Director of Construction and Maintenance for the Oklahoma Historical Society’s Outreach Division, where she oversaw protecting, preserving, and improving historic structures in Oklahoma. She was responsible for the upkeep of thirty-one museums, military sites, historic homes, and affiliate sites across Oklahoma. In 2009, Catherine started her own firm – Preservation and Design Studio. The studio is made up of a talented team of architects and historians and provides services including zoning, design, historic preservation review board representation, and more. Catherine was an active member of the American Institute of Architects and served on multiple boards for architectural organizations in Oklahoma, including the Gibbs College Architecture Professional Advisory Board at the University of Oklahoma. She advocated for the celebration and preservation of historic structures across our State.